Tuesday, December 29, 2009

new schedule for 2010! 1st and 3rd FRIDAYS

Time for a new shake that works for more of our fabulous WTF volunteer mechanics. 1st and 3rd Fridays, starting January 15th. 6-9pm. Come fix your bike, build a bike, learn or help out.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Tranny Trackstand Trandown.

OK. It's a b-day challenge to the gender vibrant among the bike-folk. Bring on your trackstand (footdown? sumo? polo!) skills to the Ladies and Trans Bike Polo in Oakland on Wednesday, December 16th. 7pm. Location TBA (Claremont DMV?). All welcome, bring a prize to enter - everyone's a winner?! . Save the date, it'll be a spectacle.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Wrench and Watch: Screening this Friday

WTF?! @ the Bike Kitchen: We help you fix your bike.

After this Friday's open hours we'll be screening '2 Seconds' a queer bike messenger film that features a cranky old mechanic and true bike love...
Free! Bring snacks/beverages!
Film at 9:00pm.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Homo Homestead Bike Tour!!!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The First Bay Area Homo Homestead Tour! Sunday, Oct. 5th

Coming up is the first Bay Area Tour of Homo Homestead! its a way to share in our fabulous queer communities the things we are doing with our homes, our spaces, our lives in the urban world to make them speak a little bit more from our hearts. Gardens, chickens, greywater, coops, pickling, fermenting, canning, and more! We will be visiting four spaces in the city and at each locale there will either be something to learn, do, or sample. Plus, it will be semi-catered by Apothocurious- Community Supported Culinary Adventures.

Sunday, Oct. 25th kicking off at 11am and touring throughout the day until around 4pm. We should be at each space for about and hour and are giving ourselves a generous half-hour to bike between locations. This is mainly a bike tour, so please bring your own bike, helmet, lock and patch kits - there will be at least one mechanic on the tour. I will be posting a map for folks who would rather not bike but would like to meet up at each spot. Please check each location for its accessibility information.

11am: Meet at Dearborn Community Garden where gardener, artiste, and creator of kitchen witchery, Bill Basquin will give a tour of his beloved community garden and perhaps some samples of some bevvies he's concocted. Don't be late! Accessiblity info: No stairs, all the paths in the garden are mulched with woodchips.***On Dearborn at 18th Street (very close to the Women's Bldg)

12:30pm: We arrive at 24th and Bryant to check out the winterized garden and feisty chickens of Joolie Geldner. We will be chicken chatting, harvesting the last summer foods, and making wildflower seedballs for everyone to take home and toss somewhere to wait for spring.

We will also be taking a mini-lunch break here with Rose Johnson of Apothocurious showing off her delicious delectables. Please bring a little donation to help pay for supplies. Accessibility information: Cement ramp/path to backyard. Very small cement patio area but most of the space is grass and dirt. No stairs.
*** 2621 Bryant St. Yellow Victorian- go to side gate

2pm: After scooting down the block, we will meet up with Dirt Star co-founder, Ami Puri of the Pink House at 23rd and Bryant. Here we will check out their very majical Secret Garden, have some tea for folks, a demo of laborious greywater techniques, and an opportunity for people to make and use some seed paper from the garden. Accessibilty info: One flight of stairs into the house and two flights of stairs into the garden. Small concrete patio area, mostly mulched paths in garden.
*** Bryant @ 23rd

3:30pm: Rounding out our tour we will be heading over to Bernal Heights - we will try to make it as flat as possible for everyone, but there will probably be a hill which everyone is welcome to walk up. Here we will tour the home garden of Markos Major, Rainbow Chard Alliance organizer and rabblerouser. Accessibility info: TBA and address forthcoming.

Please RSVP in the comments so we know how many ppl to expect.
Read more!

Monday, September 28, 2009

WTF! additional 1st and 3rd Fridays for rest of the year.

Extra WTFs for the rest of the year...! Come enjoy a mellow friendly space to work on your bike with mechanics who can answer questions and help you fix your own bike.

Last Mondays will continue for the rest of the year!

Friday WTFs: 6-9pm.
Oct 2 & 16 | Nov 6 & 20 | Dec 4 & 18

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

August WTF - 8/31 and Extra September WTFs!!!

*WTF?!* Women/Transgender*queer/Femmes at the Bike Kitchen.

Open to all who've had gender/homophobia be a barrier to accessing bike mechanics, WTF night is a space at SF's community bike shop where volunteer mechanics help you fix or
build your own bike. The Bike Kitchen has tools, stands, and used parts for most of your repair and bike maintenance needs!

Last Mondays!
at the Bike Kitchen
$5-10 sliding scale or join for the year $40-100
no one turned away for lack of funds.

and introducing Friday WTFs in September!
Sept 11th and 25th 6-9pm.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Bike Kitchen Seeks Artists for Mural!


The Bike Kitchen is seeking artists interested in designing and painting a mural near our new shop at 18th and Florida. The mural design could reflect the values of CELL Space and The Bike Kitchen, bikes, community, volunteerism, and the DIY spirit. It might also include contact and other info about the BK because our spot can be a bit tricky to find. Through out the design process, the artist will to work with the input of the BK and the final design must be approved by CELL Space.

To apply to be our muralist, you should:
- Write a short statement about your design and work style and how you work with the input of communities.
- Estimate a time line to complete the entire project.
- Supply a link to your website or attachments of your previous work.
- An actual mural design is NOT required.
- An idea of what your design might look like: themes you might include, images, ideas, or how you would develop it with the BK's input.

Mural details to consider in your proposal:
- A brush mural is preferred.
- The space consists of a large wooden panel with the option to expand to the surrounding concrete. The size for the wooden panel is about 13'-2"w x 6'-7"h. The concrete wall below this panel that can be painted or left open for graffiti piece is 13'2"w and about 4'h. There is also a small strip of concrete on the left-hand side that is about a foot wide.
- If the mural ever needs to come down in the future, the wood panels could be removed and rehung else where.
- The mural will be located on CELL Space and can be found on a Google map street view of 652 Florida. The wood panels will cover most of the windows which have the man with the bowler hat painted on them. From the Florida Street entrance to the BK, this is across the street and just to the left.

Please direct questions and submit your proposal to eganjaline@gmail.com

thanks, angel

Monday, July 13, 2009

Ladies and Trans Bike Polo! in Oakland!

Oh yeahhhh!

Join us for Ladies/Trans Bike Polo in the East Bay!
Ever wanted to try Bike Polo but were intimidated?
We'll teach you to play in a comfortable environment
complete with jeering, pizza and beer afterwards!
When: Wednesdays 6:30-8:30 @ the DMV parking lot
in North Oakland. 5300 Claremont Ave
(between Cavour St & Vicente Way)
What to bring: Your Bike! Mallets (we have a few you can use)
Excitement! Friends!
ps. If you are curious, but not sure, come hang out anyway!
(we are all new to the game)

For more info, contact Stariel18@hotmail.com

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

WTF July Happy Hour Tune Up Class

Friday evenings July 10, 17, 24 6-8:30pm

* This class is open to all women, transfolks, genderqueer folk, femmes, and other people who've had gender bias, homophobia, or transphobia keep them away from the wrenches!

*Class will be hands-on, so bring a bike and get ready to get greasy. Over the 3 weeks, it will cover what is included in a basic shop tune-up: installing and removing tubes and tires (i.e. fixing a flat), installing brake and shift cables, adjusting brakes and gears, chain maintenance, truing wheels, etc.

* No previous knowledge about bikes is required or expected. But a willingness to learn and have fun is a must!

* It will be limited to 10 people, and will be held at the Bike Kitchen, which has recently moved to 650H Florida St.

* The fee for this class is on a sliding scale, $40-90 for current Bike Kitchen members, or $80-130 for non Bike Kitchen members; non-members receive a 1 year membership with class registration.

* Refund Policy: due to limited resources, no refunds, or re-scheduling can be offered. If you are unable to attend a paid class, your new membership is still valid and you are welcome to visit us during regular shop hours and speak to our staff mechanics

to register:

Sunday, June 21, 2009

WTF Workstands at Trans March and Dyke March

Come find friendly mechanics with a little portable WTF action at Trans March (we'll be next to Chez Gay Cafe - free food!) and Dyke March (who knows where... but find us!). We'll help you with air, fixin' flats, lubejobs, and other little adjustments!

Trans March - Friday June 26th Dolores Park, marching through the Mission to El Rio
Dyke March - Saturday June 27th Dolores Park!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Dirtstar and WTF! Queer Gardens Bike Tour

Queer Gardens Bike Tour - Free
4:30 Queer Gardens Bike Tour: a flat ride visiting queer urban gardeners in their gardens. Meet at the Bike Kitchen (19th and Alabama) ride ends at Dirtstar at SOMArts.

Dirtstar: SOMArts, 934 Brannan St., $12-20
Dirtstar pokes fingers into dirt, fruit and flesh with multidisciplinary performance and installation by queer artists working with urban sustainability.

Hortisexual Installations and free farmstand (bring your garden's excess to share!)
with: Queer Food for Love, Apothequeery by Dori Midnight, the genderqueer goat gods, music by Jesse Quattro and Devin Hoff

8pm Dirt-driven Films and Fresh Picked Performance
with Alex Cafarelli, Amarina, Change of State Performance Project, M.A. Brooks, Seeley Quest

and short films:
Unca Trans Allyson Mitchell, 3min. 2007
Set in an agrarian future, Unca Trans is a short animated Super 8 film in which the title character pontificates about gender theory and activism back in the 2000s.

Grizzly Road (excerpt) Sabrina Alonso, 9 min
Gracing the California state flag is the grizzly bear. It is estimated that 10,000 grizzly bears once roamed the golden state. The call of Manifest Destiny for westward expansion sealed the great bear's fate. "Grizzly Road" is a feature documentary exploring not only the lonely path of the California Grizzly’s extinction, but the fate of the California landscape.

Martin Bill Basquin 5 min, 2004
A New Zealand farmer shears a sheep and gives his thoughts on rural life.

On the Garden with Üs Ami Puri 5 min 2009
Join Üs on a journey of transbioremediation revolution!


Sunday, March 15, 2009

March WTF @ the BK's new space!

Monday March 30th will be WTF's first night in the Bike Kitchen's amazing new space at 19th and Alabama in the Mosaica complex.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

No WTF for February! The Bike Kitchen is Moving!

Sun. 2/22 - Critical Move to 650H Florida St - the homecoming!: Come to 1256 Mission @ 11:00am with your trailer, messenger bag, panniers, racks, baskets, or extracycle and help move the Bike Kitchen entirely by bike! BBQ to follow. See pictures of the last Critical Move here. Please RSVP to Cara at volunteer [at] bikekitchen.org with "Critical Move" in the subject line.